Spyzie - Spy App for Monitoring Kids Phones and Parental Control

Worried about what your kids are doing on their phones and who they are communicating with? There are a number of tools out there to help you track your kids’ location and monitor their phone activity. Here, we will be taking a closer look at Spyzie, a spy app that once installed on your kid’s smartphone will enable your track their movement and location, monitor their activities, and control what apps they can access or even set when they access some phone features.

We buy smartphones for our kids so that we can easily reach them, but smartphones come with lots of features that could put them at risk. Kids usually lack the ability to make the right decisions, hence the need for monitoring.

However, spy apps like Spyzie are not just about monitoring kids, they also help you keep them safe. You can restricts Apps they can use on their phone ensuring they do not end up in bad neighborhoods.

Spyzie comes with loads of features to help you track your kids’ activities when they are with their phone. It supports the latest Android and iOS devices (up to Android 9 and up to iOS 12). Another plus is that you do not need to jail break the smartphone to install the monitoring app.

Highlight Features of Spyzie

Track Location

Spyzie enables you track the location of the target phone. Using the GPS functionality on the smartphone you can pinpoint the location of your kid.

You can view their real-time location as well as their movement path or trail. You can also track the target phone using Wi-Fi location.

This features enable you know places where your kid hang out to ensure they are not going to dangerous places.

This feature can also come handy if the smartphone is stolen. It can help you track and recover stolen a smartphone.


Spyzie comes with a geo-fencing feature that enables you create areas of note on the map. You can create both safe zones, but most importantly danger zones.

You will receive an alert when your child gets into any of the Geo-fences you created. For example, you can create Geo-fences around bars, brothels, and other dangerous places, that way you will be notified once your child is hanging around such locations.

Monitor Calls and Contacts

Spyzie enables you view all calls and contacts of the target phone. With this you can see who your child is speaking with. You can see their name, phone numbers, duration, time, and date of call.

This will enable you know the people your kid talks to most often. There is even a Clue section where you can see deleted calls. This is a good place to check if you want to know people they don’t want you to know they are talking to.

The spy app provides a view on the dashboard where you can find call activities of the subject. You can also view all contacts on another view on the dashboard.
Track Suspicious Activities

Usually when people are doing something wrong on their phone they tend to delete it after the fact. That way you will not be able to see what they have done if you check their phone.

However, Spyzie logs their phone activities, even the ones they do not want you to see. Spyzie logs deleted calls, deleted messages, deleted videos, and deleted images. Deleted activities are marked with red trashcan icon.

A feature like this will help you know if your child engage in unhealthy behavior like sexting, which can predispose them to cyberbullying. With such a feature, you can also protect your kid from online predators.

Monitor Messages and Email

Spyzie enables you view messages (text and email). This is a good way to checkout the sort of conversations your kid engage in and protect them from people who would insult, devalue, or abuse them.

Your kid may be facing a bully in school who could be sending them abusive and insulting messages via SMS, with the app you can identify the danger on time for prompt action.
Track Social Media Activity

As a parent, worrying about what your kids are doing on social media is normal. With Spyzie, you no longer have to guess, you can monitor their activities across multiple social media apps.

The spy app has a whole section for monitoring social apps on your target phone. All the popular apps can be monitored. You can track WhatsApp (with WhatsApp files), Facebook, Messenger, Snapchat, Instagram, Skype, Line, Viber, WeChat, QQ, Kik, and loads of others. You can even track activities on dating apps like Tinder.

A lot of dangers are bound on social media. Online predators are out looking for vulnerable kids. You also have cyberbullying which is growing as a threat.

Monitoring messages and conversations of your kid on social media apps will enable you see who they are talking with on social media and what they are talking about.

This will enable you know when your kid is facing dangers like cyberbullying and cyber harassment.

Monitor Browser History

Browser history is a good way to know what your kids are doing online, but kids will usually delete it after use because they know it is one of the first place you would check.

With Spyzie installed on your target phone, you will be able to see the types of websites your child visits.

Block Apps

Do you want to have control over what apps your kids can use on their smartphone? Spyzie has a feature that enables you turn off any app from your dashboard without touching the target phone.

Don’t want your kids to use Instagram? No problem, just turn it off.

Schedule Restriction

This is another handy feature for parental control. With this feature you can schedule when you do not want your kids to use their phones.

For example, if you do not want your kids using their phones after 9pm, you can set a schedule restriction that starts at 9pm. Once it is 9pm, they will no longer be able to access apps on their smartphone.

Keylogger and Keyword Alert

Spyzie offers a keylogger that allows you view all keyboard presses on the target phone. Keyword alert monitors words used on the target phone and alerts you of ban and dangerous language.

Capture Screenshot

Want to know what your kids are doing right now on their phone or just simply curious about why they are giggling. You can simply use this spy app to grab a live screenshot to quench your curiosity.

Discussed above are some of the key features of the spyzie apps. While the spy apps was built specifically as a parental control, a look at some of the features shows that it may find application beyond parental control as it can be used to track just about anyone.

How Spyzie Works

To use Spyzie, you need access to the target smartphone, so that you can install the Spy app on it (for Android phones). If the target phone is an iPhone, you do not need to install the monitoring app, but you may need access to the phone for syncing. However, in the case of iPhone, you will need the iCloud login credentials of the target.

You also need to subscribe to Spyzie premium account. The account gives you a dashboard and control panel where you can access information or implement control on the target’s activities via a browser.

Spyzie premium account also entitles you to a control panel app that enable you keep tabs on the go.

Once you have successfully installed or synced Spyzie on your target’s smartphone, you will be able to track their activities or set controls and their use of the phone using a browser or the control panel app.

How to use Spyzie on Android

To use Spyzie on Android phones, you need to have a premium subscription and you also need to install the monitoring app on the target Android smartphone. Here is a guide.

How to Install Spyzie on Android

Now let us look at a guide for installing Spyzie on your smartphone:

Step 1 – Create an Account: Visit the Spyzie website and signup for an account. Make sure you use a valid email as some details will be sent to you via email. You also need to subscribe to a premium account to have access to most of the features. See pricing.

Step 2 – Create a Target: With Spyzie successfully installed, you need to create an identifier for the target you want to monitor. Here you put a name that will enable you identify them and choose the OS of the device (Android in this case)

Step 3 – Enable Unknown Sources on Target Phone: On the target Android phone, go to Settings > Security and turn on Unknown Sources. Click OK on the displayed warning. Without this step, you will not be able to install apps like Spyzie that are not available on the official Google store.

Step 4 – Download and Install the Spy App: Visit the setup wizard at Tracksp.vip using a browser on the target Android phone and swipe right to download the Spyzie apk. When download is complete, tap the notification to begin installing the monitoring app.

Once installation is complete, the Spyzie icon will now be available on the homescreen.

Step 5 – Give Permissions to Spyzie on Target Android Phone: Open the app on the target Android phone using the icon. Login using your Spyzie login credentials and grant all permissions to the app to enable it gain access to all required activities from the Android OS.

You should also activate device administrator. Once you have completed giving permissions, you can click on the Start Monitoring button to complete the process (make sure you select to hide App icon). This will also delete the app icon making it invisible to the kid or the person being tracked, while still working on the background.

Once these are completed, you can then go back to your computer or mobile phone and visit spyzie dashboard using a browser complete the setup. Tracking data will take a few minutes to load. There is also an app you can download for monitoring the target.

Note that for realtime tracking, internet must be available on both your device and the target Android phone.

How to use Spyzie on iPhone

Using Spyzie on an iPhone also requires premium subscription, but you do not need to physically install the monitoring app on the target iPhone. You however need the iCloud credentials of the target.

How to install Spyzie on an iPhone

You do not need to physically install the Spyzie app on an iPhone to monitor it. Here is how to make Spyzie work on a target iPhone.

Step 1 – Create an Account: Visit the Spyzie website and signup for an account using a valid email address. You also need to subscribe to a premium account to have access to most of the features. See pricing.

Step 2 – Create a Target: Now, you have to create an identifier for the target iPhone you want to monitor using the setup wizard. Here you put a name that will enable you identify them and choose the OS of the device (iOS in this case).

Step 3 – Verify iCloud Credentials: You will also be required to enter and verify the iCloud credentials (iCloud ID and password) of the target iPhone on page 2 of the setup wizard. For this to work, iCloud backup and syncing service need to be activated on the target iPhone.

You can now use the online dashboard or the control panel app to monitor activities on the device.
Spyzie Price and Cost

Spyzie comes in two editions for Android. You can choose between a limited premium edition that costs $29.99 per month, $39.99 per quarter, or $89.99 per year and a fully functional ultimate edition that costs $39.99 per month, $49.99 per quarter, and $99.99 per year.

On iPhone and iOS devices, only one edition is available. The iOS edition costs $39.99 per month.


Spyzie is a great app for keeping tabs on your kids. You can view all their activities and location remotely on your computer or mobile device. You can easily control the apps your kids have access to keeping them safe from cyberbullies and online predators.

The beauty of it all is that you don’t even need to jailbreak the target phone to get it to work. The dashboard and control panel is also intuitive making easy to find the information or control you want.

Spyzie is the app you need to keep your kids safe.

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